Breaking News
vendredi 24 mai 2013

Windows Phone YouTube app removed from the Store as Microsoft, Google come to terms


Changes continue to impact the Windows Phone Youtube app at a fast pace. First came the official Youtube app recieved a major overhaul, then Google complained that the app violated YouTube's API and Terms of Service, then Microsoft updated the app to comply with some of Google's requests.
The latest chapter in this saga has the Youtube app being pulled from the Windows Phone Store and news of a collaboration between Microsoft and Google for a solution.
According to YouTube communications manager Matt McLernon,
"Microsoft and YouTube are working together to update the new YouTube for Windows Phone app to enable compliance with YouTube's API terms of service, including enabling ads, in the coming weeks."
Part of the arrangement has the current YouTube app being pulled and replaced with the previous version of the app until a "compliant" version is developed.  As far as the when is concerned on the release of a new version of the app, Microsoft wouldn't expand beyond "in coming weeks".

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